
Pros:-Thestockkeycapsfeelhighquality.Ofcoursethey'rereplaceabletoo,iftheyeverwearoutorIwantachange.-Pleasantlysubtlecolorscheme.No ...,ThisisanicekeyboardthatswellbuiltandworksverywellwithaMacandtheKVMitsconnectedto.Iwouldrecommendthiskeyboard.,2023年6月10日—TheKeychronC1successfullydeliverstheminimumrequiredofawiredmechanicalkeyboardforaniceprice.It'sanexcellentvalueforan87-keyboard.,2021年3...

Customer reviews: Keychron C1 Hot

Pros: - The stock keycaps feel high quality. Of course they're replaceable too, if they ever wear out or I want a change. - Pleasantly subtle color scheme. No ...

Customer reviews

This is a nice keyboard thats well built and works very well with a Mac and the KVM its connected to. I would recommend this keyboard.

Keychron C1

2023年6月10日 — The Keychron C1 successfully delivers the minimum required of a wired mechanical keyboard for a nice price. It's an excellent value for an 87-key board.

Keychron C1 Keyboard Review

2021年3月18日 — The Keychron C1 is a good TenKeyLess mechanical keyboard for office use, and it's versatile enough for other uses as well.

Keychron C1 Keyboard Review

2022年6月13日 — The tactile feedback is excellent and the ABS keycaps feel smooth on the fingertips. The layout is segregated spaciously and doesn't feel ...

Keychron C1 ProC2 Pro Keyboard Review

2023年6月15日 — These keyboards are great for gaming. They have impressive build quality, individually-backlit keys, and low latency making them suitable for gaming in all ...

Keychron C1 Review

2023年6月9日 — The Keychron C1 successfully delivers the minimum required of a wired mechanical keyboard for a nice price. It's an excellent value for an ...

Keychron C1—first impressions

2022年2月20日 — It's quiet enough, the sound is pleasing and it's very comfortable for both gaming and typing. No immediate regrets, no plans to mod or change ...

My Keychron C1 Review

2024年1月16日 — It's a good keyboard for the money. The only things I wanted in a keyboard was some sort of backlighting, longevity (5-year range), hot-swappable, and a ...